In general, web services are resources which may be called over the HTTP protocol to return data. They are platform-independent, allowing communication between applications on different operating systems and application servers. When the database entries are generated by ServiceBuilder, web services can be generated as well based on Apache Axis. As a result, nearly all of the backend API calls can be made using web services. Java clients may be generated from Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) using any number of tools (Axis, Xfire-CXF, JAX-RPC, and so on). Apache Axis is essentially a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) engine—a framework for constructing SOAP processors such as clients, servers, gateways, and so on.This document will show how to use the web services of liferay portal. Specially, it shows how to build web services and how manage organizations, users, User groups and roles.
Using Web services
When Liferay portal is up in your local machine, type the following URL in the browser. You will get a list of web services.[] []
What's happening?#
The portal uses Apache Axis to generate web services. The default Axis configuration is specified in the server-config.wsdd file under the /portal/tunnel-web/ docroot/WEB-INF folder. When you double-click on the target deploy in the Ant view, the file server-config.wsdd under the /portal/tunnel-web/docroot/WEBINF folder will be merged with the server-config.wsdd file under the /ext/extweb/ docroot/WEB-INF folder. Therefore, when you type in your browser, you will see a list of SOAP services.To access a service remotely, the host must be allowed via the portal-ext. properties properties file. After that, the user must have permission to access the portal resources. The default settings to access a service remotely are specified in the file as follows:
axis.servlet.hosts.allowed=,SERVER_IP axis.servlet.https.required=falseThe code above shows the IPs to access the Axis servlet. You can input a blank list to allow any IP to access this servlet. SERVER_IP will be replaced with the IP of the host server. By default, is the IP for local host. This is the reason that you can access web services only by the IP, and not localhost. Of course, you can use a domain name such as if you had set the mapping between and in the hosts file.
Build custom WSDD #
Supposed the service.xml is at src/com/ext/portlet/reports of the folder $EXT_HOME/ext-impl. In order to build custom WSDD, we need to add the following lines after the lines<target name="build-service-portlet-playerstats"> <antcall target="build-service"> <param name="service.file" value="src/com/xos/playerstats/portal/service.xml" /> </antcall> </target>in $EXT_HOME/ext-impl/build-parent.xml
<target name="build-wsdd-portlet-reports"> <antcall target="build-wsdd"> <param name="service.file" value="src/com/ext/portlet/reports/service.xml" /> </antcall> </target>And use the Ant Target "build-wsdd-portlet-reports" to generate WSDD files.
Add custom operations #
for example:package com.ext.portlet.reports.service.impl; import com.ext.portlet.reports.service.base.ReportsEntryServiceBaseImpl; public class ReportsEntryServiceImpl extends ReportsEntryServiceBaseImpl { public String LoadArticle () { return "Test"; } }then build services and wsdd as:
ant build-service-portlet-reports
ant build-wsdd-portlet-reports
Build client #
Create a folder ext-client at $EXT_HOMEAdd and build.xml at $EXT_HOME/ext-client
Add build-common-java.xml at $EXT_HOME
Type: ant build-client #[]
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="ext-client" basedir="." default="compile"> <import file="../build-common-java.xml" /> <property name="jar.file" value="${}" /> <property name="client.url" value="[http://localhost:8080/tunnel-web/axis"] /> <target name="jar" depends="compile"> <jar jarfile="${jar.file}.jar" > <fileset dir="classes" /> <fileset dir="src" /> </jar> <copy file="ext-client.jar" todir="${project.dir}/ext-lib/development" /> </target> <target name="build-client" depends="clean"> <echo message="Make sure the server is listening on ${client.url}." /> <echo message="" /> <delete dir="src" /> <mkdir dir="src" /> <java classname="" classpathref="project.classpath" failonerror="true" fork="true" newenvironment="true" > <arg value="${project.dir}/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd" /> <arg value="src" /> <arg value="" /> <arg value="${client.url}" /> </java> <antcall target="jar" /> </target> </project>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="build-common-java" xmlns:antelope="antlib:ise.antelope.tasks"> <import file="build-common.xml" /> <if> <and> <equals arg1="${app.server.type}" arg2="tomcat" /> <antelope:endswith string="${app.server.portal.dir}" with="/portal-web/docroot" /> </and> <then> <property name="portal-impl.classes.dir" value="${project.dir}/portal-web/docroot/WEB-INF/classes" /> </then> <else> <property name="portal-impl.classes.dir" value="${project.dir}/portal-impl/classes" /> </else> </if> <target name="clean"> <delete dir="classes" /> <delete dir="test-classes" /> <delete dir="test-results" /> <delete file="${jar.file}.jar" failonerror="false" /> <delete dir="${java2html.dir}" /> <delete dir="${javadoc.dir}" /> </target> <target name="compile"> <mkdir dir="classes" /> <copy todir="classes"> <fileset dir="src" excludes="**/*.java" /> </copy> <if> <equals arg1="${javac.compiler}" arg2="modern" /> <then> <javac classpathref="project.classpath" compiler="${javac.compiler}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" destdir="classes" fork="${javac.fork}" memoryMaximumSize="${javac.memoryMaximumSize}" nowarn="${javac.nowarn}" srcdir="src" /> </then> <else> <javac classpathref="project.classpath" compiler="${javac.compiler}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" destdir="classes" nowarn="${javac.nowarn}" srcdir="src" /> </else> </if> </target> <target name="jar" depends="compile"> <jar basedir="classes" jarfile="${jar.file}.jar" /> </target> <target name="java2html"> <java classname="j2h" classpathref="project.classpath" fork="true" > <arg line="-d ${java2html.dir} -js src -m 4" /> </java> <replace dir="${java2html.dir}"> <replacefilter token="stylesheet.css" value="java2html.css" /> </replace> <move file="${java2html.dir}/stylesheet.css" tofile="${java2html.dir}/java2html.css" /> <antcall target="javadoc" /> <replace dir="${java2html.dir}"> <include name="**/package-summary.html" /> <replacefilter token="/\" value="/" /> </replace> </target> <target name="javadoc"> <mkdir dir="${javadoc.dir}" /> <javadoc breakiterator="yes" classpathref="project.classpath" destdir="${javadoc.dir}" maxmemory="256m" packagenames="*.*" sourcepath="src" stylesheetfile="${project.dir}/tools/javadoc.css" /> </target> <target name="deploy" depends="jar"> <copy file="${jar.file}.jar" todir="${deploy.dir}" /> </target> </project>
CRUD on Organizations #
Simple code for Organization:import; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.model.CompanySoap; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.model.OrganizationSoap; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.service.ServiceContext; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.service.http.CompanyServiceSoap; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.service.http.CompanyServiceSoapServiceLocator; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.service.http.OrganizationServiceSoap; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.service.http.OrganizationServiceSoapServiceLocator; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.service.http.UserServiceSoap; import com.liferay.client.soap.portal.service.http.UserServiceSoapServiceLocator; public class WSTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // reference try { String remoteUser = "test"; String password = "test"; String serviceOrgName = "Portal_OrganizationService"; String serviceUserName = "Portal_UserService"; String serviceCompanyName = "Portal_CompanyService"; String virtualHost = "localhost"; int statusId = 12017; long regionId = 0; long countryId = 0; long parentOrgId = 0; boolean recursable = true; CompanyServiceSoapServiceLocator locatorCompany = new CompanyServiceSoapServiceLocator(); CompanyServiceSoap soapCompany = locatorCompany.getPortal_CompanyService( _getURL(remoteUser, password, serviceCompanyName)); CompanySoap companySoap = soapCompany.getCompanyByVirtualHost(virtualHost); UserServiceSoapServiceLocator locatorUser = new UserServiceSoapServiceLocator(); UserServiceSoap soapUser = locatorUser.getPortal_UserService(_getURL(remoteUser, password, serviceUserName)); long userId = soapUser.getUserIdByScreenName(companySoap.getCompanyId(), remoteUser); OrganizationServiceSoapServiceLocator locator = new OrganizationServiceSoapServiceLocator(); OrganizationServiceSoap soap = locator.getPortal_OrganizationService(_getURL(remoteUser, password, serviceOrgName)); OrganizationSoap[] organizations = soap.getUserOrganizations(userId); for (int i = 0; i < organizations.length; i++) { OrganizationSoap organization = organizations[i]; System.out.println(organization.getStatusId()+ "\t" + organization.getOrganizationId() + "\t" + organization.getName() + "\t" + organization.getType()); } // ServiceContext scxt = new ServiceContext(); // OrganizationSoap org = soap.addOrganization(parentOrgId, "testOrg-MyOrg_Admin", //"regular-organization", recursable, regionId, countryId, statusId, "My Comments", scxt); // long users[] = {userId}; // soapUser.addOrganizationUsers(org.getOrganizationId(), users); // soap.deleteOrganization(10232); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();} } // Get URL private static URL _getURL(String remoteUser, String password, String serviceName) throws Exception { // Unathenticated url String url = "["] + serviceName; // Authenticated url if (true) { url = "[http://"] + remoteUser + ":" + password + "@" + serviceName; } return new URL(url); } }Note that
1) ""
int statusId = 12017;2) remove all users from the organization, before deleting the organization.
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